How To Use Claude AI On Telegram? [2024]

Telegram is a popular messaging app that offers end-to-end encryption for secure communications. Claude is an artificial intelligence assistant created by Anthropic to be helpful, harmless, and honest. Combining Telegram and Claude creates an easy way to access Claude’s advanced conversational abilities.

With just a few simple steps, you can add Claude’s AI assistant to your Telegram contacts and start asking questions, getting summaries, doing math, getting coding help, and more. Read on to learn how to fully utilize Claude’s capabilities through your Telegram app.

Getting Started with Claude on Telegram

Downloading Telegram

If you don’t already have Telegram installed on your device, you’ll first want to download the app from the Google Play Store (Android devices) or App Store (iOS devices). Telegram has versions for both mobile and desktop, so you can choose which version works best for you.

Once downloaded, the app will guide you through a quick and easy set-up process. You’ll want to allow Telegram access to your contacts for the full functionality and ability to find friends already on Telegram.

Adding Claude as a Contact

To add Claude, open your Telegram app and click on the search bar at the top of your chats. Type “@ClaudeAI” without the quotes and select Claude from the dropdown options.

This will open a chat with Claude. Click the start button to begin conversing. Claude will introduce themselves and explain their capabilities.

You can now chat naturally with Claude just as you would with any other contact. The assistant is able to hold contextual conversations, answer follow-up questions, and generally assist with a wide variety of tasks.

Capabilities of Claude on Telegram

Claude is an incredibly versatile assistant on Telegram. The AI can help with simple questions, in-depth research, math problems, coding issues, and much more. Here are just some of the many ways you can leverage Claude’s skills:

General Information and Research

Ask Claude any questions you have as you would naturally ask another person. The assistant stays up-to-date on current events, news, pop culture, sports, and more through Anthropic’s Constitutional AI approach.

You can also prompt Claude for research help on specific topics. The AI will summarize key information and share relevant links. For example, “Can you research the latest developments in quantum computing?” or “What is the background on the Ukraine conflict?”

Conversational Ability

Unlike some chatbots, Claude has excellent conversational skills. The assistant is able to respond to follow-up questions and adjust to new topics naturally, just as another human would.

Feel free to have open-ended discussions with Claude about issues that interest you. You can debate ideas, ask for opinions, or simply have casual dialogs.

Math and Problem-Solving

Stuck trying to work out a math equation? Claude has outstanding mathematical abilities. Send the assistant complex equations, word problems, statistics questions, or examples.

For example, you can ask questions like “If I walk 3 miles in 45 minutes, how fast am I walking in miles per hour?” or “What is the integral of x squared between 0 and 2?” Claude will show the full work and explain the methodology when needed.

Claude also applies problem-solving abilities to logic puzzles, lateral thinking riddles, and more.

Code Assistance

For developers or anyone learning coding skills, Claude offers code help for many programming languages.

You can ask questions like “Can you help me fix a Python runtime error?” or “What is the Java code to create a linked list data structure?”

Claude will provide sample code, explanations, links to documentation, and other coding help.

Language Translation

Need something translated between natural languages? Send phrases to Claude for accurate machine-based translations.

For instance, “Can you translate this Spanish sentence to English: Me gusta viajar por todo el mundo.”

Claude detects the language automatically and will provide the translated text. This works for most major world languages.


To help parse long, complex information, you can have Claude summarize research articles, blog posts, articles, books, and other lengthy text.

Simply forward an article link or copy/paste text selections to Claude. For example:

“Can you please summarize this research paper on the latest innovations in lithium battery technology?”

Claude’s summarization abilities also work for summarizing multiple links/sources on the same topic by distilling them into key common insights.

Tips for Productive Conversations

While Claude is advanced artificial intelligence, there are some best practices for ensuring you get the most helpful experience:

Ask Follow-Up Questions

Conversations with Claude work best when you engage back and forth with follow-up questions, just as you would with a human. This allows Claude to clarify or expand on previous responses with additional detail tailored specifically to your information needs.

Provide Context and Background

Since Claude does not have your specific background knowledge or history already embedded, providing some context about your experience level, research goals, or other relevant details will allow Claude to best frame responses to suit your needs, similar to explaining needs to another person.

Specify Country/Region When Relevant

Some questions—like those involving statistics, news, laws, or culture—can have vastly different answers depending on the country or region. Specifying a location provides critical context.

For example, “What are current best practices for Covid-19 prevention in South Africa?”

Check for Understanding

Seeking confirmation that responses were clear and asking additional clarifying questions helps ensure information exchanged makes sense, just as with human interactions.

For example, “When you say ‘overparameterization’, can you define what that means?”

Advanced Features

Beyond standard chat, Telegram offers advanced capabilities to take full advantage of Claude’s AI skills:

Message Forwarding

Stuck trying to summarize a dense research paper? Simply forward the file document to Claude as you would forward any Telegram message. Claude will intelligently parse and summarize the key information in the paper in easily digestible form. The same works for forwarding links, articles, or text snippets.

File Sharing

Have an image you want described? A data file to analyze? Video content to index? Telegram supports robust file sharing. Simply send any files directly and Claude accesses state-of-the-art sensory capabilities.

Saved Messages

To reference conversations for later, Telegram has pinned Saved Messages. Pin your most vital information from Claude to easily refer back when needed in one convenient place, just like bookmarking important assistance.

Bots and Groups

If collaborating with a team, leverage Telegram’s group messaging features by adding Claude to a group chat. Claude helps entire teams by answering questions, providing meeting summaries, and more.

Additionally, specialized bots expand capabilities to offer services like weather updates, language translation, polls, and tools for developers. Claude integrates seamlessly with this bot ecosystem.


With robust conversational abilities rivaling humans, Claude brings best-in-class AI assistance to Telegram users. Whether you need a quick answer, help on an algebra equation, coding errors debugged, essays summarized, or research support—Claude handles these requests and so much more with ease.

By using Telegram’s messaging features like message forwarding, file sharing, and group messaging—combined with helpful tips like posing clarifying questions and providing context—you’ll get the most of Claude’s potential.

In an age of information overload and narrow AI assistants unable to hold context, Claude on Telegram provides reliable, honest, harmless assistance through natural conversations. Add Claude today to turbocharge getting answers and accomplishing goals with AI.


How do I add Claude as a contact on Telegram?

To add Claude on Telegram, open your Telegram app and search for “@ClaudeAI” in your message box. Select Claude from the dropdown options. This will open a chat where you can start conversing with the AI assistant.

What languages can Claude understand and translate?

Claude has extensive language capabilities, able to understand, analyze, summarize, and translate between most major world languages including English, Spanish, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Chinese, Japanese, Russian, Arabic, Hindi, and more.

Can I ask Claude personal questions about myself?

No, Claude does not store personal information and has no prior knowledge of you. The AI can however provide general information about topics that impact individuals based on your questions. Be mindful not to share private identifying details with any third-parties.

Does Claude have unlimited computational power or information?

No. While Claude leverages cutting-edge AI models from Anthropic to be helpful, harmless, honest assistants, they are not omniscient. Questions may occasionally require responding “I do not know” if beyond current AI limitations, similar to human constraints.

Is Claude safe to use for my children?

Yes. Claude adheres to strict Constitutional AI guidelines around avoiding harmful, illegal, deceptive, or unethical content in interactions. Still, parental guidance talking to any internet services is advised, especially for younger children unable to judge content appropriately themselves.

Can I connect Claude to all my messaging channels?

Currently Claude is available on Telegram and via the Anthropic website. Expanding assistant access to additional platforms is an ongoing development goal to provide Claude’s intelligence in convenient integrated ways similar to human assistants.

Does Claude have unlimited availability?

No. While Claude strives for high uptime service levels, the AI could occasionally be offline for back-end upgrades and maintenance by Anthropic engineers, similar to human support staff being available within reasonable working hours. Severe issues may also impact availability, though failover infrastructure aims to mitigate this risk.

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