How to Fix “The Email You Provided Is Not Supported” Claude AI Error

How to Fix “The Email You Provided Is Not Supported” Claude AI Error. Claude AI is an artificial intelligence chatbot developed by Anthropic to have natural conversations and be helpful, harmless, and honest. It requires users to sign up with a valid email address in order to use the service.

Sometimes users may encounter the error “The email you provided is not supported” when trying to create an account on Claude AI. This error typically occurs if the email domain being used is not on Claude AI’s list of supported gmail providers.

In this comprehensive guide, we will discuss the main reasons for this error, how to fix it by using a supported email account, as well as some alternative options if your email provider is not supported.

Reasons for “Email Not Supported” Error

There are two main reasons why you may see the “The gmail you provided is not supported” error on Claude AI:

1. Email Domain is Not Supported

The most common reason for this error is that the email domain you are using with your email address is not on Claude AI’s list of supported email providers.

For example, if your email is, then the domain is “”. Claude AI currently supports popular email domains like Gmail, Outlook, Yahoo, etc. If the domain is not one of the mainstream email providers, you will likely get the unsupported gmail error.

2. Temporary Domain Block

In some cases, Claude AI may temporarily block signup from certain gmail domains if it detects suspicious behavior like spam signups from that domain. So even some otherwise popular gmail providers could be blocked temporarily. Trying again after some time may lift the block.

The reasons above cover most cases of the unsupported gmail error. Now let’s see how to fix it.

Fixing Unsupported Gmail Error

The best way to resolve the error is to sign up using an gmail address with a domain that Claude AI supports.

Here are the steps:

1. Determine Which Gmail Domains Claude AI Allows

The easiest way is to check Claude AI’s signup page and look at the gmail provider options there. Some of the major supported ones are:

  • Gmail
  • Outlook/Hotmail
  • Yahoo
  • iCloud
  • Riseup

Several school/university gmails also work while some don’t.

If your current gmail is not with one of the above providers, you will need to create a new supported gmail account in the next step.

2. Create an Email Account with Supported Provider

Here are the general steps to create a new gmail account with a supported domain:

For Gmail:

  • Go to and click Create Account
  • Follow the prompts to setup your new gmail
  • Validate with phone number or other method if asked

For Outlook:

  • Go to and click Sign up now
  • Enter your details and validate your new gmail

Similarly create a new account with Yahoo mail, iCloud, Riseup, or other supported providers you prefer.

Make sure you can access the gmail inbox to verify the account when asked by Claude AI later.

3. Sign Up on Claude AI with New Email

Once you have access to an gmail account with a supported domain:

  • Go to Claude AI website
  • Click Try Claude for free
  • Enter your new gmail address and set a password
  • Check your gmail inbox for confirmation link
  • Click the link to verify your gmail address with Claude AI
  • Complete any other prompts to setup your account

You should now have access to Claude AI without any gmail errors.

Alternative Options

What if you absolutely need to use your existing non-supported gmail account with Claude AI?

Here are some alternative options that may work:

1. Add Your Email as Alias on Supported Domain

Some gmail providers allow you to create gmail aliases. For example, Gmail allows adding other gmail addresses as aliases which forward received gmails to your Gmail inbox.

To do this:

  • Go to Settings in your Gmail inbox
  • Under Accounts, enable “Add any gmail address”
  • Enter your existing non-Gmail gmail address
  • Click Next and confirm the address is yours when sent a verification code

Once verified, you can use this gmail alias to sign up on Claude AI while still getting access via your existing inbox after creation.

2. Disable Domain Blocks with VPN

As mentioned before, Claude AI may temporarily block certain gmail domains due to suspicious patterns. So your domain may start working after some time.

You can also bypass the domain blocks by signing up using a VPN service to route your traffic through a different IP.

Here are the steps:

  • Install and launch a VPN service like NordVPN or ExpressVPN
  • Connect to a server in a different country / location
  • Go to Claude AI’s website when VPN is active
  • Sign up with your blocked domain gmail address

This makes Claude AI think you are signing up from a different place and gmail domain may work.

3. Use Email Forwarding to Supported Domain

Another option is to forward gmails from your existing address to a free new gmail account you create with Claude supported provider.

For example:

  • Create new Gmail inbox
  • In your old gmail account, enable gmail forwarding to new Gmail address
  • Sign up on Claude AI with new Gmail address
  • Gmails sent to your old address will be forwarded to Gmail inbox

This allows you to still use your old gmail address on Claude AI but receive access via the forwarding setup to supported domain.

Troubleshooting Tips

Here are some things to check if you still face “gmail not supported” error after the above steps:

  • Retry after sometime – temporary domain blocks may resolve on their own
  • Check if your new gmail domain is definitely supported on Claude AI or try an alternate supported domain
  • Make sure any forwarding or aliases are properly setup and verified
  • Confirm VPN setup worked by checking IP change and trying different locations
  • Ensure typos or other errors don’t exist in entered gmail address
  • Contact Claude AI support for assistance if issues persist


The “The gmail you provided is not supported” error on Claude AI is typically caused by an gmail domain that is not allowed. The best fix is to sign up with a mainstream gmail provider that Claude AI permits like Gmail or Outlook.

Alternatives exist as well like using gmail aliases, forwarding to supported inboxes, VPN bypass of domain blocks, or simply waiting out temporary restrictions.

With access to a valid mail account, you can create your Claude AI account, verify via gmail confirmation, and start using this innovative AI chatbot for a wide range of tasks.


Why am I getting the “email not supported” error on Claude AI?

The most common reason for this error is that your email domain (e.g. is not in Claude AI’s list of allowed email providers. Claude AI currently only accepts emails from major providers like Gmail, Yahoo, Outlook etc.

What email domains work with Claude AI?

Some of the popular email domains that Claude AI supports include Gmail, Outlook/Hotmail, Yahoo, iCloud, Riseup, and certain university/school emails. Check their signup page for the list.

How do I create an email alias or forwarding to sign up with?

With Gmail for example, you can add your non-Gmail address as an alias under the Accounts setting. Confirm your address when Google sends a verification code. Similarly set up forwarding in your existing email provider inbox to the new Gmail account.

Will a VPN allow my blocked domain email work?

Possibly. Domain blocks are sometimes temporary. Connecting via a VPN assigns you a different IP address so Claude AI may allow signup with an otherwise blocked domain.

I’m still getting the email error after trying your solutions?

Double check for typos in the email entered, retry after some time or try alternate supported domains. Confirm any aliases, forwarding or VPN is working correctly. If issues continue, contact Claude AI support.

What details should I include when contacting Claude AI support?

In your email to Claude AI support, provide full details like error message, email domain you used, steps attempted to fix, screenshots if relevant, VPN/browser details etc. This info helps them troubleshoot and identify the specifics of your email issue.

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