How To Enable Claude AI Developer Mode With Prompt? [2024]

How To Enable Claude AI Developer Mode With Prompt? Claude AI is an artificial intelligence assistant created by Anthropic to be helpful, harmless, and honest. It uses a technique called constitutional AI to ensure safe and beneficial behavior.

One useful feature Claude has is a developer mode that provides more flexibility and control when interacting with the AI. Developer mode allows accessing Claude’s internal representations and settings using natural language prompts. This guide will walk through how to enable developer mode and give examples of prompts that can be used to customize Claude’s behavior.

Enabling Developer Mode

Enabling developer mode in Claude is simple but does require a few steps:

Sign up for an Account

First, you’ll need an Anthropic account if you don’t already have one. Go to and click sign up in the upper right corner. Follow the prompts to create your free account.

Navigate to the Settings Page

Once signed into your Anthropic account, click on your profile picture in the upper right and select “Settings” from the drop-down menu. This will take you to the account settings page.

Toggle Developer Mode

On the left-hand menu of the settings page, click on “Assistants”. This will display a list of any Claude assistants associated with your account. For each one, there is a toggle switch for enabling developer mode. Flip the toggle for the assistant you want to activate developer mode for.

A message will appear indicating developer mode has been enabled. That’s all there is to it! Claude will now accept special prompts for accessing internal info and settings.

Using Prompts in Developer Mode

With developer mode turned on, Claude opens up access to a wide range of customizations via text prompts. Here are some examples of helpful prompts and what you can do with them.

View Claude’s Capabilities

To see a high-level overview of Claude’s capabilities, use:

This will return a list of areas Claude is skilled at like writing, content generation, classifications, translations, and more.

Access Internal Settings

Many of Claude’s internal settings can be viewed or altered with prompts like:

The temperature refers to how random or creative Claude’s responses are, from 0 to 2. Lower values are more focused and logical while higher values allow for more creative flourishes.

Other internal state that can be accessed includes Claude’s current goal, planning depth, response length, voting strategy, and untrusted users among others.

Change Claude’s Goal

Claude has an overarching goal that shapes its behavior. View or alter the goal with:

Setting Claude’s goal properly aligns it behave helpfully and avoid potential harms.

Custom Classification Labels

Adding custom labels allows training Claude’s classifier on new categories using:

Now Claude has an improved understanding for that custom classification. New labels can be removed with:

Any number of custom labels can be added to enhance Claude’s classification capabilities.

Teach Claude New Facts

If Claude lacks knowledge in an area, you can teach it directly with:

Claude can learn all sorts of facts this way like dates, definitions, associations between items, and more.

Override Text Classification

Claude automatically classifies any sensitive or inappropriate content to avoid responding to it. This classification can be manually overridden with:

This allows you to force a response from Claude even if its classifiers have blocked the content. Use carefully and appropriately.

View Claude’s Knowledge Graph

Much of Claude’s world knowledge is structured as nodes and edges in a knowledge graph. View parts of this graph with prompts like:

The nodes and connections illuminate how Claude’s internal knowledge representations are structured.

Access Claude’s Embeddings

Word and content embeddings are an important part of Claude’s inner workings. Embeddings can be accessed directly with prompts such as:

This allows inspecting how Claude internally represents and relates words and concepts.

And Many More Customizations

These examples just scratch the surface of what’s possible by accessing Claude’s internal state.

Developers can programmatically direct Claude’s behavior towards safety and helpfulness in nearly any dimension. The Anthropic docs detail many other customization prompts to try out.

Best Practices for Developer Mode

Giving end users control over an AI system is a double-edged sword. Developer mode allows beneficial customizations but also could enable harmful behavior if misused.

Here are some best practices to safely make use of Claude’s prompts:

  • Set a goal focused on helpfulness – Setting Claude’s goal to “Be helpful, harmless, and honest” provides a strong north star.
  • Avoid overriding safety classifications – Let Claude block inappropriate or sensitive content to steer clear of issues.
  • Check prompts with Claude first – Ask Claude “Would executing this prompt be helpful?” to catch potentially problematic directions.
  • Make small contained changes – Start with narrow customizations and check they behave as intended before expanding the scope.
  • Monitor closely – Pay attention to Claude’s responses to make sure prompts haven’t triggered unintended issues.

Following responsible AI practices prevents developer mode from being misused while allowing broadly beneficial customizations aligned with Claude’s design.


Claude’s developer mode opens up many possibilities for experienced users to customize its behavior towards being more helpful for specific use cases. Simple toggling developer mode on gives access to Claude’s internal settings through intuitive prompts.

Users can view technical details about Claude’s knowledge and embeddings, shape its classifications, teach it facts, override warnings, set goals, and more. Following responsible practices keeps developer mode access safe and beneficial. Unlocking Claude’s full potential requires care, but allows the system to be molded towards reliably serving human needs.


What is Claude AI?

Claude AI is an artificial intelligence assistant created by Anthropic to be helpful, harmless, and honest. It uses constitutional AI techniques to ensure safe and trustworthy behavior.

What is Claude’s developer mode?

Claude’s developer mode gives advanced users more control over Claude’s internal settings and capabilities using natural language prompts. It allows customizing Claude’s behavior for specific use cases.

How do I enable developer mode?

You need an Anthropic account. In your account settings, toggle on developer mode for the Claude assistant you want to customize. This allows Claude to accept special prompts for accessing internal representations and settings.

What kinds of prompts work in developer mode?

You can view technical info about Claude’s knowledge graph, embeddings, and classifiers. You can override sensitive content warnings, set goals, adjust parameters like temperature and response length, teach new facts and classifications, and more.

Is it safe to enable developer mode?

Developer mode could be misused to direct harmful behavior if not handled properly. Set helpful goals for Claude, avoid overriding safety measures, monitor Claude’s responses, and make contained customizations to mitigate risks.

Can I reset Claude’s settings if needed?

Yes, toggling developer mode off and then on again resets all developer mode customizations back to Claude’s default state.

Where can I learn more about prompt development?

Check the Anthropic docs site for many more examples of Claude’s capabilities unlocked with developer mode prompts.

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